vendredi, mars 08, 2019

March 8th, 2019 (international Day of the United Nations for the basic rights of the woman)!

March 8th, 2019 (international Day of the United Nations for the basic rights of the woman)!

Absent from March 2nd to March 8th, it is on my return, and with delay, that I express myself compared to this international day of March 8th!

After my preceding contribution relative to the necessary revision of a philosophical thought too often misogynist = that can I add for this international day of March 8th?  Moreover, this contribution was published by the group teachers affiliated to the United Nations.

Since UNO, made this date that of the celebration of the commitment for the basic rights of the woman, the years passed. The risk: is that which this date becomes a formal ritual of the calendar, but by losing its direction of commitment for the contents.

Indeed, still to the XXI E century, of the dramatic situations exist all over the world where the basic rights of the woman are ignored, ridiculed, with sometimes of physical and psychological maltreatments.

Without speaking of the religious obscurantism all the more when it manages from there to remove lives or to deteriorate the basic rights of the woman by imposing standards which ridicule the respect of its dignity and its biological reality psycho- like its evolution carried by scientific progresses and those relating to the conscience.

However, even in the developed countries and in particular those of the Western camp, the combat for L ` equal rights, against discriminations remains with the agenda.

In spite of laws, regulations, company agreements and branches, national agreements interprofessional, sometimes of the quotas imposed in certain situations, the wages of the women and their access to certain responsibilities remain complicated and often minimized the importance of.

Normally, the law, the regulation and according to, have two specificities: that to regularize sociétaux assets by fixing them in the law and the regulation, is: it are used of authority, alarm or formal notice to compensate for an anomaly or noted discriminations.

How to explain the persistence of this shift?

I expressed it a few years ago in a contribution, even among large philosophers and scientists, those which controlled the knowledge of their time, number of them were misogynists.

Admittedly, I am not a follower of the theory of the kind, that in his exacerbated version which implies that the human being chooses its freedom of membership of a sex, to decide, if he becomes man or woman.  It is a Thesis explaining the construction of the sexual identity starting from nonbiological factors.

By clarifying this distinction between “nature” and “culture”, the theory of the kind contributed to dismantle myths firmly rooted on the difference between the sexes and the functions and the values allotted to each one of them; she moreover, drew the attention of the historians to the way in which these images and these representations were created.

However, according to my approach of human construction:With the birth, there are the biological conditions psycho- which are those of possibility, but then: the being which becomes nobody builds by a biography which contributes to the specific individuality, which is modelled by objective social reports in a given historical situation.

As follows: there is not: either a nature, or a culture = but both!

Nature and culture: This, because the conditions psycho- biological with the birth are conditions of possibility, and then:such or such in its singularity, is modelled by its objective social reports during childhood and adolescence, then, on the way at the adulthood constitutes a biography during the remainder of its existence. This is why in its work the second sex Simone de Beauvoir could declare: ” One is not born woman; it is become! “

The reproduction in the mankind is sexed, i.e. it rests on the formation of an cell-egg resulting from fecundation, i.e. of the fusion of a female reproductive cell, the ovule, with a male reproductive cell, the spermatozoïde. The main feature of the sexed reproduction is to give rise to descendants genetically different between them and different from their parents. Only identical twin (twin monozygotes) makes exception and is similar between them on the genetic level because they result from the early separation of the embryo in two identical parts.

Until the years 1875, it was commonly allowed that the man was the only person in charge of fecundation: the woman being only one receptacle:One needed the scientific discoveries of the end of the 19th century to show what is explained above.

This alas, contributed to the thought which the man was higher, that it was to deal with the activities external of representation and pecuniary and civic social life of the couple, and that the woman was dedicated to maternity and the domestic and interior activities. At present still, in some places all over the world of the women are excised, forced with the marriage without freely being able to choose unites to them, and sometimes lapidated .....

Admittedly, there exist situations which, (and only in certain biological situations psycho-), which makes that individuals are badly at ease in their sexual membership and by the transformism, and medical science, evolve to the other sex, but that remains minority situations and who correspond to certain situations of possibilities and physical and psychological typical locations.

Indeed, the reality of the surgical act without any antecedent in the history relates to mainly the transsexualism for therapeutic reasons. The justifications of this act can be different according to the patients, more especially as the operational results do not offer the same results; the phalloplastie does not have the esthetic and functional equivalent of the vaginoplastie). The surgery of facial feminization can constitute a major stage for the people concerned.

In the adult, it is done only on request of the patient. A careful psychological evaluation is carried out in order to make sure of the solidity of the request. In all the cases, a hormonal treatment is started a long time in advance (intended to reveal certain secondary sexual characters) and the patient must live as anybody of the sex opposed during a certain time, in order to consolidate the request.

In the child, a surgery can be proposed in certain cases of hermaphroditism.

In practice medical current, a diagnosis is necessary to profit from the process of sexual reallocation. In the international classification of the diseases, the diagnosis is known under the name of transsexualism. The Handbook diagnoses and statistical mental disorders names it dysphorie kind in the 5th version. Although the diagnosis is required to determine the medical need for such an intervention, certain diagnosed people do not have the wish to carry out totality, or certain parts, of the process of sexual reassignation, in particular the genital surgery; they cannot also be suitable candidates for such an intervention.

In the usual situations of the social determination of the characteristics of a sex, rather than of the artificial separations suggested by remarks of the type: stronger sex, weaker sex, or higher or lower sex, propagated to perpetuate the male domination, there exists certainly: morphological and psychological differences, which can support slopes freely authorized towards such or such trade or sport….

Examples: still today, even if the variation were reduced, the male performances for the 100 meters, the 5000,… the high jump, the launching of the weight, etc ..... are higher on average for similarly trained athletes. However, it would also be necessary to announce research in order to in such country: when the women were authorized to practice such discipline identical compared to the men: often, it is well afterwards!

Parental education, then school, contributed certainly to this artificial separation themselves being inserted in a given state of objective social reports corresponding to the ideologies and manners of the time for which the religious designs and the cultural practices held a role.

During a long time, for example, in the plays: the girls were dedicated to those of the headstock and the hopscotch, and the boys them with those of the balls, the ossicles and the battle. It is urgent that the school system as of the nursery school has the human means and pedagogies to explain why if humanity with 2 components of female sex and masculine, it does not have domination of the one there on the other but differentiation justifying for the respect and the equal treatment of all mankind:the Homo sapiens!

At present, one can note it: with the access to the digital one, where technologies are used as of childhood and adolescence, one sees girls like boys typing on a keyboard, if not, to have the tactile address on the cellphone.

Admittedly, it is this report of trades more frequently female: cashiers, nurses, teaching in the primary education… with often this characteristic of weak remunerations: despite everything, more and more of the functions feminize themselves: driver of bus or bus, engineer, Entrepreneur, doctor,….The women are majority in the uses of the social security, in those of the accounts - postal checks, in the banks, insurances… They excel in the trades of address and speed of the gesture and the spirit. However, the robotization which will accelerate, will modify certain organizations of work and of recruitment, and will pose in fact: the question of the right place of the women in the social life, this, because they are frequently in trades less better remunerated and précarisés.

In certain sectors or a certain co-education is practiced, sometimes, success rate with the examinations is higher female side than male. Then, the woman should everywhere on our planet freely decide to be mother by giving the life, and if such is the case, this characteristic: ” on average” made that the woman is alleviated and less warlike than the man.

Of course, and alas the access to the functions leading of large group, member of Parliament or as Head of State (even if there are evolutions), remains more difficult and does not correspond to the reality which humanity has 2 components of female sex and masculine.The undergone male domination remains!

However, this still current report, results by no means from a male intellectual superiority, but the enormous repetition of generation in favor of the access to the knowledge and the power of male domination created like a kind of inheritance to have and be able.

Indeed, the access of the women to the public life, the elective responsibility was blocked a long time by the inequality of the right of access to the vote and the representation in the public sphere.

Then: to transform that passes by a political will, strong acts, and especially by a transformation of the consciences: however, not of excessive illusion! If the women draw up themselves, take over the combat for the equality and against discriminations, saved time will be higher than that of the belief in the natural good will of the men of which much takes pleasure beyond the speeches in the current situation.

Education with this equality of rights and duties is done as of parental and school education. Then, one will need for it acts strong and especially controlled in their application by the professional public power and spheres.

Disciplines like anthropology and the ethology should help with this combat of our time. In the national accounting: the contribution of the female activity should be quantified like contribution to the social life.

Yes: as ARAGON and Jean FERRAT = I write and I sing “the woman am and remain the future of the man. ”

For my part, I specified this reality by this short poem:

“The woman is that

For which to be man

Is an effort and a challenge

        Without end….   

In tribute to woman 4 song SEN 4 different languages:   

For a kiss in           French language

Parlami d' Amore Mariu in Italian language     

Besame Mucho in language   Castillan   

Coil to Me Trender in        in      English language

The concepts of so-called superiority of a sex justifying the inequalities, being used as a basis for the theories sexists continue to feed the fashionable chronicles.

However, the social history of the men and the women, is never but that of their individual development.

Also of MARX in the manuscripts of 1844, in Simone de Beauvoir,… in Judith Butler (To demolish the kind: editions of Amsterdam, 2006), it appears clearly, that the question of the women, is primarily the question of the men. The Key of femininity is in the historical relationship to the masculinity. Admittedly, the long ones and painful combat of feminists accentuate the event of the taking into account of their basic rights; however also, their emancipation passes by the transformation of mentalities and male practices for a total emancipation of mankind.

In its book:“The Man” editions the Argument, 2008/2009, Lucien SEVE can write, I quote: “by using the neological concept of juxta structure: although they are functionally given by the whole of the social reports, the individuals, do not emerge on this basis, but are to some extent geared laterally in it, without having their source there even…”

Thus, to say what the man or the woman “tireless questions, piégeuses questions, because the Man with a large H does not exist, but exists the mankind homo sapiens, always declined in world social and destinies individual, singular, in their geographical, cultural realities .....

In connection with the topicality in 2019:

In France, while being payées15,8% less than the men at equal station, in the same way with a level of higher diploma, the women worked in fact free in 2017 starting from November 3rd at 11:44.

The year 2016, the newsletter of association “the glorious ones” according to same calculations of Eurostat, not to be penalized compared to their male colleagues, they should have stopped working on Tuesday, November 7, 2016 at 16:34. The women perceive more small retirements.This because often they subscribed with shorter careers which are explained by the time of maternities, parental leave for education, etc

Since the business of the American Hollywood producer who imposed a right of cuissage to the women for their artistic course, the languages were untied, a kind of revolution copernician of mentalities is in hand and is essential.

The slogan “Balances your pig” reflected this release of the word of the attitudes.

A contrario about women, whose certain known names like that of the actress Catherine Deneuve, who in her time, signed celebrates it platform of the bitches in Nouvel Observateur for the right to the abortion, worry about the risk of drifts, transforming simple dredging or joke into war of the sexes.

Personally, I am not astonished, nor surprised by this major evolution sociétale!That there are some excesses in opposite direction: it is inevitable! After centuries, not to say millenia of male domination which did not shock high society, at present, there is this vast clamor of indignation which calls acts of transformation.

One, and certainly not the only means of regulating this kind of situation gradually will be that of the respect of the professional equality to work and in the public life. This one respected, of the attempts at male domination, sexist, will be faded so concretely it does not have superiority or established domination there impregnating the bodies and the spirits.

For example, in the company or another occupation implying various actors, if a woman has the conviction, best the certainty, that its wages are devalued for the same activity as a colleague man, it and or its selected trade-union organization should to see starting a right of alarm, which, itself, would automatically start a round-table conference between the Management of the firm or sector concerned and the medium or staff representatives concerned with obligation of result.

After the time of indignation that comes from the action!   After the time of indignation that comes from the action!

Admittedly, these last years, of many laws were enacted but more or less applied fault of control, and will and means of application. To cure tens of centuries of male domination, it takes a sufficient time of organized constraints. The respect of the civic and professional equality between the men and the women still needs strong incentives, even of targeted political pressures because the social injunctions and morals are not enough.
This is why I approve the publication of the companies which do not respect this equality as well as the penal sanctions accompanying these publications.
In France:the budget granted to the secretariat of State Marlène Schiappa, responsible for the equality between the women and the men remains tiny = 30 million euros!In spite of the charisma and the media representativeness and the standpoint of its Secretary of State, it has too little to act effectively.

Admittedly, these last years, of many laws were enacted but more or less applied fault of control, and will and means of application. To cure tens of centuries of male domination, it takes a sufficient time of organized constraints.

If the entrepreneur or other did not modify the situation met, the person concerned and her workers' representation, would seize the services by work for the legal sasine of the obligation and penal sanctions. This procedure would be longer, but would allow a control and a census of the situations. If it proved that this recourse is too heavy, the person and the workers' representation would seize the judge directly. If necessary, the means allocated with the justice and the training of the judges on this kind of business should be multiplied by ten worthy of this challenge sociétal.

Other reflections: I am favorable to the development and the encouragement of the leave paternity = one of the means being able to advance the professional equality man/woman. It is necessary to define the conditions of them, to envisage the budget consequently. It is advisable to analyze the first experiments carried out by consulting the men and their employers who opened this possibility. Also to consider the future after consultation of the employers' organizations and trade-union of paid as well as specialized psychologists and sociologists.

I am not a partisan of the quotas: I prefer the conviction by the argumentation. However, since centuries, we are vis-a-vis this reality that one of the two components of the humanity of female sex does not know the equal rights.

To accelerate the transformation of mentalities, the practices, by one transitional period and on certain fields: strong incentives, even imposed are needed. By way of an example: that perhaps for the place of the women in the boards of directors of groups, on the electoral registers during certain consultations, in the Ministries, etc

52% of the women are victims of sexual harassment during their life. It is more than 1 woman out of 2. In addition, 1 woman out of 5 states to undergo or have undergone sexual harassment on its workplace.

However, 82% of the employers still did not set up preventive measures against the sexual harassment. That can change. On March 7th, the government should present its government bill on the equality. But no measurement will relate to violences with work.

- In each police station of cities of more than 10,000 inhabitants a cell of reception specialized should be able to receive the lodges of a complaint for blows, threats, insults… And to support as of the least small incident the demounting of handrails being used as something to lean on with later investigations. This will pass on 2 legislatures by adapted and formed recruitments budgeted for.

- The training and the recruitment of specialized magistrates will have to be programmed over 10 years accelerating the decisions judicaires, the speed and the treatment of the complaints.

- An experimental initiative will be to realize in 2019:

- In the large ones and medium businesses and by geographical sector by gathering the small ones and TPE, meetings of paid should be held 2 times a year, each one over one duration of 1:30, the subject with psychologists, judges, police officers, representatives of qualified associations and a competent representative of the City receiving this presentation/debate.

The first meeting would treat principles and reasons of this kind of information/debate.

The second Would treat concrete cases and sentences delivered as well as social reconversions.

I will bring other precise details at the time of the international day of peace on September 21st;however, the civil society (and within this framework of representing qualified this one) should be represented within International institutions of which the General Assembly of the United Nations.(personalities qualified of the economy, justice, science and culture, trade unionism, sports activities and artistic.

When the broached subjects touch with the respect of the dignity of the life:peaces, education, health, incidences of poverty ..... the representatives of the civil society should profit from the deliberative voice.

Copyright Guy CREQUIE

Poet, social observant French writer with philosophical purpose


My next contribution before March 21st will be devoted to the fight against racism, the anti-semitism, and discriminations.